According to the MOH, you can start introducing solids when your baby turns 6 months old. Before then, it is recommended that you exclusively breastfeed your little one.
As you introduce your baby to solid foods, you also need to keep breastfeeding them for at least another year. This process of introducing your baby to new foods while still breastfeeding them is called complementary feeding.
If your baby has just turned six months old and you are ready to start introducing solid foods, it is important to know the right way to prepare baby food. This will not only make it easy for your baby to chew and swallow, but the food will also be gentle on their still-developing digestive systems.
Here is how to prepare baby food:
How to puree fruits and vegetables
- Thoroughly clean the fruits and vegetables under running water
- Peel and remove any cores or seeds
- Cut them into cubes or medium-sized pieces
- If you are using a hard fruit such as an apple, steam the pieces until soft. If you are using soft fruit like mangoes, skip this step
- Blend, mash, or grate the fruit and vegetable pieces
- Mix the resulting puree with milk or breast milk to make it soft and runny
How to mash
- Thoroughly clean the fruits and vegetables under running water
- Peel and remove any cores or seeds
- Cut them into cubes or medium-sized pieces
- If you are using a hard fruit such as an apple, steam the pieces until soft. If you are using soft fruit like mangoes, skip this step
- Place the pieces in a bowl and mash them with a masher. If you do not have a masher, you can use a fork
How to make fruit juice
- Thoroughly clean the fruits and vegetables under running water
- Peel and remove any cores or seeds. Some fruit such as apples have edible skin. You do not have to peel them as the skin also contains essential nutrients
- Cut them into cubes or medium-sized pieces
- Add approximately 30ml of water and juice them with a blender
- Some fruits such as watermelons have high water content. In this case, there is no need to add any water
- Filter the juice with a sieve and press the resultant pulp with a spoon to drain all the juice
- Serve your baby in a sippy cup
How to make vegetable juice
- Thoroughly was the vegetables under running water and place them in a clean pot
- Add ⅔ cup of water (150ml) and boil for about 3 minutes or until the vegetables are tender
- Filter the juice through a sieve
- Press the boiled vegetables with a spoon to release all the juice
- Allow the juice to cool then serve your baby in a sippy cup
How to make chicken stock (to be used in recipes)
- Remove any fat, skin, or blood clots from chicken bones
- Wash the bones thoroughly
- Boil the chicken bones in 1 liter or 4 cups of water
- Bring the water to a boil then reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 30 minutes
- Strain and chill the stock overnight
- Remove the top layer of fat from the chilled stock
- You can now use the stock within a week if refrigerated and for up to a month if frozen
Other essential tips for preparing baby food
- Babies should be given pureed or mashed foods from ages 6 to 8 months
- They should be given carefully chopped foods from ages 9 to 11 months. These are called finger foods and can easily be picked up. It helps them develop their fine motor functions
- Use separate kitchen utensils when preparing your baby’s food. If you cannot buy new ones, make sure everything you use is thoroughly washed and dried before preparing your baby’s food
- Maintain high levels of personal hygiene and sanitation as you prepare your baby’s food and feed them
- Always wash your hands before preparing your baby’s food or feeding them. You should also wash your baby’s hands before feeding them.
Final Thoughts
As your baby grows, it is important to introduce new foods to them. These complementary foods will help boost their nutritional needs as they contain all the important nutrients like vitamins, protein, fats, calcium, and iron.
Consider adding a variety of fruits and vegetables to your baby’s diet over several weeks as you wean them. A few examples of fruits and vegetables that can be pureed or mashed include apples, pears, papayas, bananas, mangos, watermelons, potatoes, carrots, peas, pumpkins, cauliflower, and french beans.
Sample of ways to prep solids: